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ERA Test – iVF Riga

Betalt samarbete med iVF Riga

What is ERA test?

ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Array) is a personalised genetic test to determine the receptivity of the endometrium (i.e., the test identifies when the uterine lining is ready for embryo implantation within a specific period). Using this molecular diagnostic tool, the RNA (ribonucleic acid) of an endometrial tissue sample is hybridised and then genetic expression levels of 238 genes are analysed to determine the state of receptivity of the uterine endometrium. It is determined by a computer programme using specific gene expression profiles. ERA test helps calculate the best time for embryo implantation for each woman individually.

Why choose ERA test?

In a study, this test was done in patients with failed implantation of a good quality embryo (at least three unsuccessful embryo transfers with in women under 37 years of age or two unsuccessful embryo transfers in women over 37 years of age). It is recommended for patients with anatomically unchanged uterus and normal endometrial thickness (≤6 mm) without apparent changes. The implantation window ‘shift’ was identified in about 20% of the patients. This test helps predict the implantation window, thus allowing scheduling a personalised embryo transfer time based on individual results.

Read more: Ivf Riga

iVF Riga – om oss

”Det finns inga hopplösa situationer. Det viktigaste är att tro och agera.” Dr. V. Fodina

  • professionellt stöd
  • högkvalitativt resultat
  • utveckling
  • respekt för vetenskapen
  • säker framtid
  • människolivets kvalitet

    Mer information: iVF Riga

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